Mother's Day 1 Orange asiatic Lillies combined with white carnations and wrapped in non woven paper. A bunch of 4 asiatic lilies with 10 white carnations wrapped in non-woven paper.
Mother's Day 2 Orange roses wrapped in dual color paper. Bunch of 18 roses wraped elegantly in dual color paper.
Mother's Day 3 White Oriental Lillies tied in a bunch with natural jute matte. 3 white oriental lilies wraped elegantly in jute matte and raffia in a glass vase.
Mother's Day 4 Pink Geras & Pink Roses tied up. 5 pink Gerberas with 8 pink roses tied up with ribbon in a glass vase.
Mother's Day 5 Yellow lillies with yellow carnations wrapped in non woven paper tied. Bunch of 4 asiatic lilies with ten yellow carnations wrapped in an organdi with lots of greens.
Mother's Day 6 Yellow lillies with birds of Paradise elegantly tied in a bunch. Bunch of 2 yellow lilies with 4 stems of Birds of Paradise elegantly tied in handmade paper.
Mother's Day 7 Purple and blue Orchids wrapped in non woven paper. 8 blue and purple orchids elegantly tied in a non woven paper with greens.
Mother's Day 8 Bunch of red Carnations. Bunch of 12 red carnation wrapped with greens in an cellophine.